Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy FAQ's

  • How does HBOT work?

    The hyperbaric oxygen environment changes the relative pressures of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases in the blood, organs, and tissues. Normally oxygen is carried by hemoglobin on red blood cells. Under higher pressures, oxygen dissolves in the blood plasma. Breathing pure oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood and creates free radicals that stimulate cellular signaling.

  • What conditions are treated by Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

    Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy can provide various health benefits such as; improved recovery from sports injuries, enhanced cognitive function, reduced inflammation, boosted immune system, increase in athletic performance, increased energy levels, accelerated wound healing, and potential assistance in certain medical conditions like migraines, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. 

  • Are there any side effects?

    No effective medical therapy comes without the risk of some adverse reactions. The rates of complication for mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy are very low (<1% of patients have side effects). Potentially serious side effects include trauma to the middle ear, the eye (progressive myopia or cataracts), the lungs (pulmonary edema), and the brain (seizure), as well as claustrophobia.

  • Can I eat and/or take medications before my HBOT Session?

    Take all medications as directed by your doctor. Eat before you arrive. Please avoid smoking immediately before and after hyperbaric treatment.

  • How many sessions will I need?

    A session plan is based on your Particular needs. The majority of clients require 10-40 session or more depending on each individual’s case.  An HBOT therapy session generally lasts about two hours total and are administered 6 days a week.

  • What does an HBOT session feel like?

    It may feel like you’re in an airplane taking off and landing in addition you will feel a little warm at the beginning and cool towards the end of your session.  During the compression periods, people have experienced a slight pressure in their ears. Normal popping of the ears is recommended if the sensation does occur.

  • Can I still do HBOT sessions if I have a cold/flu?

    Let the chamber technician know if you are having any symptoms prior to your appointment to discuss what is best.

  • Can an HBOT session be stopped at any time?

    The chamber technician has full control over the chamber, and a session can be stopped at any time. There is a walkie talkie in the chamber and the phone number to text for ease of communication.